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HomeAfricaInfo Session Share Stories of Transformed Lives in Kenya

Info Session Share Stories of Transformed Lives in Kenya

PALM BEACH GARDENS  |  Cross Catholic Outreach sponsored an event Nov. 11, 2023, in support of efforts to make clean water available to people in Kenya, East Africa, by building solar-powered wells.

Potential benefactors were invited to the home of Terry and Mary Murphy, parishioners of the Cathedral of St. Ignatius Loyola, to learn about the work of Good Samaritan Water Sanitation Services, which is partnering with Cross Catholic to transform lives in southern Kenya.

Mary Murphy explained that residents in rural areas spend much of their lives walking many miles to water sources that are unsafe because it’s all that is available. “By having clean water, it has a ripple effect that just goes on and on and on and affects every aspect of their life,” she said. “The children can now go to school instead of fetching water all day. They can start to grow crops and raise livestock. It’s a project that keeps giving and giving.”

Fifty-four wells have been built by Good Samaritan, a nonprofit organization founded in 2018. Besides the health benefits of consuming clean water, a Catholic school has been established and scholarships made available.

Source: The Florida Catholic



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